Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing System

The Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing System is designed for use in pharmacy, clinical trials, prison, physician, dental and veterinary offices to package solid dose medications in to existing package formats, including vials and blister packs.
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The Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing System can fill any blister pack manufacturers package of formats up to 32 blisters per package (also called bingo, calendar, and punch cards). The DD32 system fills any existing plastic vials or other bottle types with optional adapters.
The entry level Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing system utilizes eight (8) canister bases and requires a canister for each medication to be packaged. The DD32 system is available in increments of 16 canister base configurations for a maximum 512 canister machine. Canisters are low-cost and manufactured using the latest 3D technology, providing accuracy and quality at the lowest cost possible. The canisters can be ordered in different heights to manage small tablets or very large capsule volumes in each canister.
All medication canisters are encoded with a unique ID barcode and all DD32 machine configurations include our auto-scan base feature allowing the user to place the canister on any base in the machine for automatic canister/base identification. The auto-scan feature eliminates misplacement of canisters ensuring proper medication canister placement every time.
The DD32 system is also expandable by adding additional units of eight or sixteen canister machines in a "daisy chain" fashion, allowing up to 2,032 canisters for large scale automated production needs.
The DD32 units can be conveyor mounted to any length with a heat sealer and printing integration for completed packages up to 240 packs per hour.
Our Daily Dose 32 packaging control software offers several modes of operation used for different pharmacy or clinical trials packaging needs:
-Vials for single or small batch runs
-Small to Large batch blister package runs for closed-door or prison pharmacies with single, double, or triple tablets/caplets per blister.
-Recipe-based blister package filling for disease-related medication treatments such as Covid-19 or Flu treatments requiring multiple medications, also known as a treatment cocktail.
-Specialty blister package filling for standard alternate dating RX options.
-Multi-Medication packaging up to four doses per day, seven days per package (4x7) such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, and bedtime. Ideal for prison, nursing homes, managed care, and elderly medication compliance for up to 16 medications per patient. This option requires the use of our patient medication software management system.
The entry level Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing System is designed with small pharmacies or doctor's offices with limited space in mind boasting the smallest filler footprint of 16" x 24" (8 canister standard format), making it truly desk or counter top and weighing in at about 90#.
The dispensing system is PLC controlled, with the ability to use existing windows-based laptops or PCs running our own WePackit software for machine control and patient profile management, which includes managing and accurately packaging most all blister pack formats with up to 32 blisters available.
The patient management module allows all dosing frequencies, including daily, true alternate, every n days, selected days per week, monthly, and as needed (PRN). Patient packing may include multiple packs per week, and the system allows for easy management of up to 16 medications per patient. Patient profile management is easy to update when patient medications are changed and also review for record-keeping and insurance reimbursement purposes. Patient-specific packs are usually a seven-day supply with four dose periods per day (4x7=28 Blisters per package). The system efficiently manages half-tablet filling by clearly displaying the blister pocket where a half-tablet needs to be placed. The system does not allow half-tablets in canisters; they will be filled manually if needed.
The Daily Dose 32 Medication Dispensing System is designed to use existing packaging equipment and supplies when possible. That can include existing manufacturer's blister packs, card format-specific paddles, and sealing machinery. The system can run multiple medication card formats with a simple change part and an easy selection on screen to set the card format to be filled. The filling system is a single pass filler in that all medications for each blister pocket drop before the system advances to the next blister pocket. There is only one moving fill part, and the canisters run almost simultaneously to accurately fill multiple medications into each blister if or as required.
Other software and hardware options include label design and laser printing of completed packs. We also carry heat sealers and other supplies such as card paddles and packaging. Need high production automated packaging systems? Contact us for fully automated blister packaging systems with production rates >900 packages per hour!
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